Thursday, November 02, 2006

Nov 1st...Nothing

No dreams last night.
Did fall asleep with a picture of 5 people holding onto this high bar...kinda like in the olympics about 20 feet off the ground and they were all slipping.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Oct 31st Working, racing, and the rollercoaster

First Dream
I was in Farmington ME (were I used to live with my ex-husband). I was working there/camping there...I needed to be at work in Kennebunk ME (were grew-up and my parents still live) This is a 4 hour drive. (Actually is a 2hour drive. It is however a 4 hour drive from where I live now in CT.) Well I was runing out of time some very nice coworkers of mine were nice enough to pack all my stuff up for me and put it in the back of the truck. (without a truck has a cap now.)

That is when I had a flashback not all my stuff was tied down...which had cause a major car wreck on my drive to Farmington the last time. Which then wound up not being a flashback but yet a current event...for some reason got on the highway driving backwards so as stuff came flying out of the back of truck I watched as Tracker trailer trucks started jack knifing to avoid stuff that he could of very easily just ran over like...teddy bears and cloths...

Second Dream
I was in Dover DE the races (hubby and I go twice a year every year). The race had just ended and we were headed back to our friends van. We had camped and all the camping stuff was still all out but for some reason we all piled in the van. Our friend started to drive out of the parking lot. Instead of taking a right to head north on Route 13 we took a left. (Route 13 is a major road). The road for some reason narrowed down to one lane going deep into the mountains. (Delaware doesn't have mountains.) Then we drove into a cave. A cave sponsored by DuPont. It was a ride kinda like when you drove into a car wash...The van magical turned into a rollercoaster cart. Then all the other people's cars did the same and they all became attached. The rollercoaster was tour of a gas refinery. We followed pipes in and out of buildings. They had to stop the ride because the guy in front of us was smoking a cigarette. The lady that was narrating the trip said "What are you stupid this is a gas refinery". When the ride was over the rollercoaster turned back into the van and we went back to the race track to finish our camping trip.

Background Info
I took 2 Benydrl before going to bed. I have been battling a cold. And I married today.